Protection orders are issued by the court to protect someone from harm. The order prohibits a party from taking specific actions related to the protected party. Violating protective orders could lead to criminal prosecution. Have you been served with a temporary protection order and notice of hearing in Washington State? If so, and the protection […]
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What Is an Extreme Risk Protection Order?
If you are served with an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO), don’t panic. An ERPO does not mean you are going to jail or will never be able to own a firearm. Our Seattle criminal defense attorney can help you fight an ERPO and regain complete freedom including the freedom to bear arms. The Purpose […]
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Domestic Violence and No Contact Orders Involving Roommates and House-Guests
Washington has an unusually broad definition of some of the words within the laws that apply to allegations of domestic violence. As a result, a person who does not have a current or former romantic relationship with you could make an accusation of domestic violence and seek to have you removed from your own home. […]
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How Do You Obtain a Protection Order?
Domestic violence is a serious problem in America. Many victims worry about their safety if they leave or if the abuser leaves. Seattle protection order attorney Jennifer Horwitz can help you obtain a protection order prohibiting the person responsible for the abuse from contacting you or coming near you. What is a Domestic Violence Protection […]
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What Is a No Contact Order?
When an individual in Washington is accused of domestic violence, the court frequently issues a no-contact order. There are two types of no contact orders in Washington: (1) pre-trial and (2) post-conviction. Both types of no-contact orders prevent the person accused in a domestic violence case from having contact with the alleged victim. Below is […]
Continue reading…What Type of Protection Order Do I Need?
There are a few different types of protection orders and it helps to know which one you need and what type of conduct each order addresses. 1. Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) Domestic Violence Protection Orders are issued under RCW 26.50.030. A petition under this provision is appropriate when the petitioner is alleging a prior […]
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