Seattle Domestic Violence Attorney
Jennifer Horwitz is a consummate legal professional who gets results for her clients. For 25 years, she has been a powerful advocate for clients in Seattle and surrounding cities. Being accused of a crime is incredibly stressful and upsetting. When faced with criminal charges, it is common to feel frightened, overwhelmed and depressed. Instead of feeling powerless and victimized, you will feel empowered and in control after contacting Jennifer Horwitz Law.
What Sets Jennifer Horwitz Apart from Other Attorneys
- Personal top to bottom representation by Jennifer at every phase of your case
- Attention to efficient representation to preserve your funds
- Integrity and transparency with billing
- Clear and diligent communication about your case
- Compassionate with clients and strategic with their cases
- Skilled and experienced trial attorney
- Adept and creative negotiator
- Respected by courts and prosecutors

Jennifer Horwitz Will Fight
Hard to Secure Your Best Result
Jennifer’s track record of successful outcomes is impressive. She has not only won a number of not guilty verdicts, she has won numerous dismissals of very serious felony cases, including sex offense cases before the cases even reached trial. If you or a loved one is in trouble with the law or has a legal matter that requires urgent, careful attention, place your confidence in Jennifer Horwitz Law.
Jennifer has a well-earned reputation for keen intelligence and genuine empathy. She will never judge you; she is committed to being your ally. Jennifer is a Harvard Law School graduate, who is easy to talk to and focused on practical solutions. As her client, you will know you can trust her to take over your legal concerns while keeping you informed and offering you options, always including you in the decision-making process. She never delegates your case to less experienced attorneys, realizing that you are coming to her for her particular brand of fierce advocacy, trial experience, empathy and integrity.
Contact Jennifer Today
Practice Areas of Jennifer Horwitz Law
Jennifer is not a general practitioner, but focuses on areas of special
importance to her in which her skills have been perfected and honed over decades:
Protecting the civil rights of clients accused of crimes is Jennifer’s passion. She has the capacity to investigate the details of your case thoroughly, listening attentively to your account, examining evidence and interviewing witnesses. She will develop a winning strategy for your case, guiding you through your courtroom appearance and negotiating the most positive outcome possible. You can always count on her emotional, as well as legal, support during this critical period in your life. Jennifer works with a trusted investigator and has access to a group of experts to support her work on your case.
A large portion of the cases handled by Jennifer Horwitz Law involve orders of protection and anti-harassment. She is equally comfortable representing either party — the petitioner who requires the protection or the recipient who may have been unjustly targeted.
*Please note: protection orders related to family law cases will be referred to a qualified family law attorney
Jennifer Horwitz Law handles all types of cases involving domestic violence allegations. Most frequently, Jennifer represents the person accused of either felony or misdemeanor domestic violence offense, but she also represents alleged victims who may want to see charges against a spouse, intimate partner or family member dropped. Whichever side of this complicated situation you are on, Jennifer will treat you with respect and ensure that your voice is heard.
Jennifer Horwitz Law has a history of successfully handling federal criminal cases, including white collar fraud cases. If you have been accused of some type of fraud or another variety of white collar or federal crime, Jennifer is adept at preparing strong defenses and will fight aggressively for you in court. She is also very experienced in representing clients in the pre-charging phase of these cases and witnesses who have been subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury.
With more than two decades of experience working with young people, Jennifer Horwitz has an in-depth understanding the distinctions between adult crimes and juvenile crimes. She has guided many families through the trying process of juvenile court cases and is able to address issues that may mitigate juvenile charges, such as learning disabilities, mental health issues, and substance abuse. Jennifer is able to connect with and win the trust of her juvenile clients, while working with supportive parents on the representation.
Sexual offenses also are in the spotlight more frequently, often resulting in damaging criminal charges. Simply being accused of sexual misconduct can muddy your reputation or derail your career. This is why it is essential to seek excellent legal counsel as soon as you are charged with a sex crime, or even if you suspect sex charges may be pending.
If you have already been convicted of a crime, have exhausted your appeals and are serving a long sentence, clemency may be your last chance to regain your freedom and resume your life. Though only a small percentage of requested commutations are granted hearings by the Clemency and Pardons Board, and even fewer are approved by the board and sent on to the Governor for consideration, the commutation of a long-term prison sentence is a life-altering result that affects the entire family of the person fighting for their freedom. Jennifer Horwitz represented a deserving client who sought clemency and won her client’s freedom. Jennifer has co-written a manual for attorneys on how to represent clients in clemency cases.
Jennifer Horwitz consults with people on a variety of issues and can offer valuable advice at a critical moment. Jennifer only consults in one-hour time blocks and will set up an appointment with you and send you a link to make payment before the call or video meeting.
Consulting with Jennifer Horwitz is a wise choice if you need a protection or anti-harassment order or assistance defending against such an order. Because retaining Jennifer or other qualified legal professional can be very costly on protection order cases ($6-$10,000 on average), Jennifer developed a bundle of services to empower clients to represent themselves with the same methods used by experienced attorneys.
Clemency is an avenue of relief from long and life sentences after all appeals have been exhausted. Jennifer Horwitz has experience with representing and advising people on Clemency cases. Jennifer has won freedom for clients who have petitioned for clemency and also has sat on the Board and served as Board President for the Seattle Clemency Project. She co-authored a manual on how to represent prisoners seeking clemency. This service includes a 1-hour phone consult and an evaluation of the client’s case.
Frequently Asked Questions
I am charged with a misdemeanor offense and have no prior criminal history. Do I need an attorney to represent me?
Yes. A misdemeanor offense carries a maximum penalty of a year in jail and a $5,000 fine. There are also other possible consequences of a misdemeanor conviction including drivers’ licensing consequences (if it was a…
What are the differences between a misdemeanor and felony charge?
A misdemeanor charge carries a maximum penalty of a year in jail and a $5,000 fine. Felony charges carry higher maximum penalties depending on whether the felony is a Class A (most serious), Class B or Class C felony… offense. Misdemeanor cases are usually charged in a Municipal Court in the city in which the offense
What are the differences between a state and federal case?
Many crimes are ones that could be charged in either state or federal court. For example, most drug and fraud cases could be charged in either jurisdiction. The cases charged in federal court have an element that gives…federal court jurisdiction over the case, such as the interstate transportation of drugs or money.
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Contact Our Firm
Client Meeting Location:
2317 NW Market St., Suite A
Seattle, WA 98107
Mailing Address:
PO Box 70859, Seattle
WA 98127