It might seem like life is ending after a child molestation charge. In reality, there’s no reason to panic. With the right Seattle criminal defense attorney, you can prove your innocence or have the charge reduced. This is your guide to moving forward after a child molestation charge in Seattle. Navigate the Legal System With […]
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Washington State Sex Offender Registry: What You Need to Know
If you or someone you know is facing sex crime charges in Seattle or anywhere in Washington State, understanding the implications of the Sex Offender Registry is crucial. This blog aims to provide clear, concise information to help you navigate this complex system. What is the Washington State Sex Offender Registry? The Washington State Sex […]
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Entrapment and Prostitution Charges
Innocent people can be arrested due to mistakes or police misconduct. One form of police misconduct that could possibly be used as a defense in a prostitution case is entrapment. Police often rely on sting operations to make prostitution arrests. Officers pose as prostitutes or customers. However, officers must follow very strict guidelines when conducting […]
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Exploring the Different Types of Sex Crimes and Their Consequences in Washington State
Sex crimes vary from one state to another. Conduct that could get charged as rape in the first degree, for example, in one state might be rape in the second or third degree in another. Also, the penalties for getting convicted of sex crimes are different in different states. This blog will explore the different […]
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Is There a Statute of Limitations on Rape Claims?
The statute of limitations on rape claims depends on the specific charge for criminal cases. Also, there is a time limit for a person to file a civil lawsuit seeking financial compensation for a claim of rape. If you think that you might be facing criminal charges or a civil lawsuit that alleges rape, you […]
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Is It Illegal for an 18-Year-Old to Sext with a 17-Year-Old?
Yes, it is illegal for an 18-year-old to sext with a 17-year-old in Washington State. It does not matter if the 17-year-old participates willingly in the sexting because a 17-year-old is a minor. An 18-year-old is an adult. Sexting with a minor can be a felony that can carry a prison sentence of 10 years […]
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What You Need to Know About Prostitution Sting Operations
Prostitution sting operations are a key strategy employed by law enforcement to address the issue of prostitution. These operations typically involve undercover officers posing as prostitutes or clients to engage with individuals looking to participate in commercial sex acts. Such operations often culminate in arrests, with details sometimes shared publicly by the police as a […]
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What to Do If Someone Has Accused You of Sexual Assault
You thought an encounter you had in the past was a consensual encounter, but then you are contacted by law enforcement and told that the person on the other end of the encounter is now accusing you of sexual assault. What steps should you take? Don’t Give “Your Side of the Story” to Law Enforcement […]
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What to Do When Facing a Delayed Accusation of Sexual Assault
A false accusation of sexual assault places your reputation, livelihood, and freedom on the line. But what happens if the allegations are from months or even years ago? Below is an overview of some steps you can take to protect yourself when facing a delayed accusation of a sexual assault. Do Not Meet with Law […]
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What to Do If You’ve Been Accused of a Sex Crime
A sex crime accusation can be a shocking, scary and shame-inducing life event. In addition to the prospect of a lengthy prison sentence, a sex crime accusation can carry requirements for treatment and registration as a sex offender. It can also be a barrier to continued or new employment and can generally stigmatize someone, even […]
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