Elder abuse and abuse of vulnerable adults are serious problems in the United States. However, false allegations of financial abuse are also common. Family dynamics are complicated, and family members may accuse each other because of hurt feelings, greed, or misunderstandings. A mandatory reporter may misunderstand a situation and report someone for financial abuse. Our Seattle criminal defense lawyer discusses financial abuse in this blog and what you should do if you are accused of financial abuse in Washington State.
Understanding the Concept of Financial Abuse
Financial abuse is another term for financial exploitation. It involves fraudulent, illegal, unauthorized, or improper acts by a fiduciary or a caregiver to use the resources of an elderly person or vulnerable adult. In Washington State, financial abuse can lead to criminal charges.
Identifying the Signs of Financial Abuse
The signs of financial abuse vary. However, indicators of financial abuse include but are not limited to:
- Loss of liquid assets
- Changes in legal documents, including Wills, deeds, and titles
- Missing property
- New loans or credit cards in the victim’s name
- Cashing in pension, CDs, and other savings
- Selling property
- Unusual activity in bank accounts
- ATM withdrawals by an older person who has never used an ATM card
- Uses the person’s assets for their own benefit
If you believe an elderly or vulnerable person is the victim of financial abuse, you can report the matter to Washington Adult Protect Services.
How Financial Abuse Impacts Victims
The impact of financial abuse can be devastating for the victims. They may experience depression, fear, and guilt. A victim of financial abuse may live well below their means and do without necessary items and healthcare. They may lose their home and other assets.
The Legal Consequences of Financial Abuse
There are several consequences of being accused of financial abuse in Washington State. Washington elder abuse laws include financial exploitation. The victim can sue the alleged abuser for damages in civil court.
In addition, Washington criminal laws impose penalties for the criminal mistreatment of vulnerable adults. Depending on the circumstances, a person could face a felony charge. A conviction could result in thousands of dollars in fines and multiple years in prison.
The Role of a Defense Attorney in Financial Abuse Cases
Contact a defense attorney immediately if you are under investigation for financial abuse. A criminal defense lawyer advises you of your rights. They investigate the charges against you to determine why the police believe you are guilty of financial abuse.
There could be one or more defenses to financial abuse. A defense attorney develops a legal strategy for defending you against the charges. Defenses could include lack of intent, mistaken identity, and honest errors. The sooner you hire a criminal defense lawyer in Seattle, the better your chances of fighting charges of financial abuse.
Claim Your Right – Seek Help from a Seattle Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are accused of financial abuse, contact our Seattle Jennifer today. You could face severe criminal penalties for a conviction. Do not talk to the police or law enforcement without a lawyer present.